Called to Empower Students for Compassionate Care
Reaching out to students is vital to build a strong witness for Christ in the health fields.
- University students are searching for meaning. They are questioning their parents worldviews and are open to new philosophies and ideas. Before the leftists, rightists or any other ‘ism’ gets them, we need to present an “Evidence based Faith” which rings true in their lived experience. We need to Impart a vision of God’s Kingdom in the health fields.
- Once connected to HCF they are more likely to become HCF’s future leaders in the health fields. Students reaching students will multiply disciples faster than trying to reach professionals.
Therefore our vision is not only to “unite & equip Christian healthcare students to live & speak for Jesus” but also to unite Christian healthcare students with Christian doctors, dentists, nurses and allied health professionals who will act as mentors for them.
- To whom?
Christian new entrants as soon as the university entrance examination results are out. We depend on church youth groups, senior Christian students and Christian school teachers to give us contacts. Pre-Uni students are the most responsive group. Before they have established their own social circle in campus
- Who reaches out?
Christian academics as well as other doctors with a vision for student ministry are working as part time volunteers. Senior Christian students are a vital link.
However there is a great need for a full time/part time young medically qualified field worker who can travel to these medical schools which are scattered throughout the country. At present we are depending on FOCUS [Fellowship of Christian University Students – the IFES affiliated group in Sri Lanka] staff to disciple students where possible.
- What do we do?
Weekly/monthly Bible study and prayer meetings. Encourage Christian disciplines such as daily devotions and daily conversations for Christ. The Saline Witness training has been very useful. Students also organize Christmas Carols and join with FOCUS in their Encounter and other Social Action programs. We encourage doctors to host students in their homes. Student Conferences – for medical, dental, nursing and allied health students
“Rejoice in your Calling” A young leaders conference which included both students and young healthcare professionals was held soon after the Easter bombing in 2019.
In November 2022 a Student conference was held in the Northern Region
International conferences/training undergone by our students include: ICMDA online training – South Asia Leadership Training [SALT] & Bio Ethics
EMFI biennial conference in India
Shiloh Mission Conferences In 2023 our students participated in Shiloh Mission’s Conferences at CMC Vellore – Sept ‘23
ICMDA South Asia Leadership Training Conference held in Nepal – Oct 2023