There are more than ninety member and partner Fellowships in the HCFI family. Some of them have their own websites.
Click below any country for more information:
1. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Australia
2. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Singapore
3. Healthcare Christian Fellowship South Africa
4. Healthcare Christian Fellowship USA
5. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Philippine
6. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Netherlands
9. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Burkina Faso
10. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Denmark
11. Healthcare Christian Fellowship France
12. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Norway
13. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Poland
14. Healthcare Christian Fellowship CASS
15. Healthcare Christian Fellowship Iceland
Center for Bioethics and Culture Network.
Committed to the Protection of Human Life and Dignity
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
Exploring the nexus of biomedicine, biotechnology and our common humanity
Ethics & Medicine.
An International Journal of Bioethics
Partner Ministries
- GLOBAL CHE NETWORK (GCN) An association of people and organizations using the strategy of Community Health Evangelism to serve impoverished communities around the world
- INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ASSOCIATION (ICMDA) A worldwide network of national ministries for doctors and dentists
- INTERNATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES (IHS) Training healthcare staff to integrate their faith in their workplace
- KARDIA FOUNDATION An international ministry helping healthcare workers integrate their faith into their practice so they will serve their patients and their colleagues with excellence …
- NURSES CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL (NCFI) A ministry that links nurses at all levels in all areas of the nursing profession, facilitating the sharing of ideas promoting Christian values and providing spiritual and professional support.
- ONE MISSION SOCIETY (OMS) One Lord. One Life. One Calling. By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.
- PARTNERSHIPS IN INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATION (PRIME) Restoring the heart to healthcare through educating healthcare professionals around the world
- UKRAINE MEDICAL OUTREACH (UMO) Facilitating excellence in healthcare provision in the Ukraine